I Had a Million Chances Before. This Time is For Real.
When Anthony Grassi was 16 years old, he said, “Nobody could tell me what to do. I thought I knew
The Mission feeds those who are hungry, houses those who are homeless, counsels those seeking recovery, and provides new opportunities for all.
The Mission feeds those who are hungry, houses those who are homeless, counsels those seeking recovery, and provides life-changing opportunities.
individuals helped
meals served
obtained housing
Behind each of these numbers is a personal story – of hope, potential and opportunity.
Watch our video
When Anthony Grassi was 16 years old, he said, “Nobody could tell me what to do. I thought I knew
To safely accommodate an unprecedented surge in the number of individuals experiencing homelessness who are seeking shelter and emergency services,
Just over a decade ago, Stephanie Delucia, who was heading up the marketing department for Vertical Screen, an international information
The Rescue Mission of Trenton
98 Carroll Street, P.O. Box 790
Trenton, NJ 08605-0790